SimWalk Transport stands out as the premier simulation solution, dedicated to optimizing passenger operations, safety, and comfort within rail, metro, and bus stations. With SimWalk Transport, you can realistically model passenger flows, boarding and alighting processes, various types of rolling stock, time schedules, dwell times, and much more.
SimWalk Transport integrates an intelligent route choice model to accurately model and simulate passenger and station dynamics.
SimWalk Transport provides a unique workflow support to guide the user effectively and easily through the simulation project.
Multithreading and cloud calculation deliver scalable simulation performance depending on the time and budget available.
Adapt your station to the increasing capacity needs of the future. SimWalk Transport supports the impact analysis of different planned station designs (additional platforms, wider passages, more stairs) on passenger flows.
Managing day to day operations in public transport facilities is a highly demanding task. SimWalk Transport supports the effective station management by simulating passenger dynamics, boarding and alighting, dwell times, connection transfer and more.
Public transport facilities are highly vulnerable targets for a multitude of threats. With SimWalk Transport, evacuations can be simulated and analyzed as they occur in reality.
SimWalk Transport integrates timetables directly through the industry format RailML or any other format.
Coach type, door width, opening time, capacity or door assignment provide the basis for a realistic simulation.
The API with OpenTrack allows to integrate rail network simulation data for a comprehensive view of the station.
Advanced features like the group modelling of passengers deliver a high accuracy representation of the station dynamics.
Train combinations and coach types can be customized in 2D and 3D, available for reuse with the integrated object library.
Analyse shopping behaviour, location-based footfall and translate it to revenue opportunities.